Spotted: Downtown SF
What are you up to today?
I'm going to Japantown with my friend. We're just going to hang out.
What's your occupation?
I'm a student. I'm studying hospitality.
What interested you about that field?
I don't know! [laughs] I was supposed to be a theater major but . . .
When you finish school, what are you hoping to do?
I hope to just get a good job! I just want anything that pays! [laughs]
What are your favorite things about being in the Bay Area?
The weather, and people are nice here.
Is there anything that has inspired you lately, or caught your eye?
I'm really inspired by Nicki Minaj!
What about her style do you like?
She's just so out there. She can do whatever she wants, so I can do whatever I want.
How do you describe your own style?
I really like Harajuku style, and a lot of pastel goth — a mix of creepy and cute.
Did you do your own hair?
Yeah, but it's fading now!
I like the pins on your jacket too!
I actually made two of these – they're just for fun.
What's a recent challenge that you've hurdled?
College. I just finished my second year. It's been tough finding a major and finding a job.
What are your favorite things to do outside of work and school?
I'm an artist so I do a lot of arts and crafts. I have my own clothing line and stuff.
Oh, what kind of clothing is it? Is it more on the Harajuku side?
Yeah, it's like what I would wear. It's more like this — [points to pink T-shirt that she is wearing] I also work with clay and make jewelry and accessories.
What kind of clay?
Polymer clay dough. I make a lot of fake sweets with them and a bunch of random stuff.